Mustafa Khalid Rzaij Al-Nasar, Faiq Mohammed Sarhan Al-Zwainy
- Most countries are facing several challenges and difficulties when it comes to managing deteriorating structures
and evaluating the structure's remaining service life. One of the most essential things gaining speed the deterioration process
is the shortage of regulations and rules controlling traffic. A Structure Health Monitoring system aims to accurately and
effectively monitor a structure's behaviour identify damage or deterioration. It was chosen one of the bridges in the Republic
of Iraq that were subjected to overloading and unusual traffic for this study to determine the bridge's overall performance
and response to these loads. for the first time in Iraq, it was developed a structural health monitoring system for the AlShuhadah Bridge. Many sensors are connected to the data acquisition device, including LVDT, strain gauges and
accelerometers distributed across the spans. The bridge was then subjected to a load test. The deflections, distribution
factors, neutral axis position, curvatures modal, load rating, and bridge dynamic behaviour were extracted, and it was
discovered that all of these indices values are reported to be lower than AASHTO specifications, with no unnatural
conditions observed.