عادل أحمد محمد سعيد، الخضر سالم قاسم محمد،ومختار سالم صالح السالمي
English Authors
Adel A. M. Saeed , Alkhader S. K. Mohammed, and Mokhtar S.S. Al-Salimi
Eight trace elements (Al, V, Ni, As, Ba, Cd, Pb, and Hg) were quantitatively studied in three
kinds of hen egg samples (home, street, and market hen eggs) collected from different regions
in Aden city-Yemen including Al-Buraiqeh, Al-Hiswah, Khormaksar, and Shaikh Othman.
Samples were wet digested and quantitatively analyzed by the Inductively Coupled Plasma-
Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) technique. Neglecting not detected values (ND), the
range concentrations (in ppm units) of elements in hen’s eggs were in the range 0.407-7.414 for
Al, 0.116-0.645 for V, 0.320-3.130 for Ni, 14.35-21.21 for As, 0.180-4.700 for Cd, 1.372-4.054
for Ba, and 12.078-15.14 for Pb. Since Yemen country does not screen the explored elements
in this foodstuff, the recent work was done by comparing the results with other available values
reported in the literature and FAO/WHO standards. The mean concentrations of some studied
elements such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead in some samples were exceeded the acceptable
limits as detailed by presented international specifications and standards. The systematic
national testing of hen's eggs production and the quality of environment and hen's feeds should
be considered to protect public health.