عنوان المقالة:Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in cattle and buffaloes in different governorates of Egypt Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in cattle and buffaloes in different governorates of Egypt
اد جميل زيدان | Prof Dr Gamil SG Zeedan | 5826
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
Zeedan, Gamil Sayed Gamila Send mail to Zeedan G.S.G.;Mahmoud, Ayman Hamidb;Abdalhamed, Abeer Mostafaa;Khafagi, Manal Hamdya
English Authors
Zeedan, Gamil Sayed Gamila Send mail to Zeedan G.S.G.;Mahmoud, Ayman Hamidb;Abdalhamed, Abeer Mostafaa;Khafagi, Manal Hamdya
Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in cattle and buffaloes in different governorates of Egypt
Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in cattle and buffaloes in different governorates of Egypt
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Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in cattle and buffaloes in different governorates of Egypt