عنوان المقالة:التعلم المدمج كمدخل تربوي لتحسين بيئات التعلم التقليدية والتعليم الإلكتروني Blended Learning as A pedagogical Approach to Improve The Traditional Learning and E-Learning Environments
This paper discusses blended learning strategy from various perspectives, like how
blended learning becomes strategy to improve the traditional learning and e-learning
environments. It shows also feature of the blended learning and its advantages, types, tools, and
effectiveness in education through literature and previous studies. It also includes a study that
describe the reason behind blended learning, in this study, we can find that blended learning is
more successful, containing different course formats, increasing interaction between students,
teachers and content, developing achievements and skills than the traditional learning or elearning.
Publication Date
International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA'2012) will be organizing by the Gulf University, Bahrain