Ionizing radiations are proved effective in the diagnosis and treatment of medical problems in spite of their side effects.
It is important to the university students to realize the advantages and disadvantages of ionizing radiation in its various
Methods and Materials
This study was carried out by choosing a representative sample of 350 students derived from four different faculties
(medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and public health) of Al- Arab Medical University (formally part of Garyounis
University). A Survey was conducted by means of interviews
A large proportion of the sample was females. Proportionate representation was ensured for all faculties. A large
proportion of the sample was reported to be aware of ionizing radiations. But regarding various techniques, their
awareness was found to be low. The side effects of ionizing radiations were reported more than their advantages.
The study shows a lesser awareness concerning the various techniques of ionizing radiations. The students should have
a positive attitude in using the ionizing radiation as a tool in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in medical practice.
Publication Date
International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering