MOHAMMED T. OBAIDAT; Ghazi Al-Khateeb; Taiser Khedaywi; and Balkees Bannoura
Behavioral issues related to drivers along with geometric design mistakes andenvironmental condition problems are considered to be the major factors thatcontribute to traffic accidents and traffic safety issues. In fact, traffic safety issuesare becoming a worldwide problem that contributes many casualties, fatalities andproperties` damages.This study will highlight the major mistakes that occur through drivers` behaviors;that found to be the vital contributing factors to accidents from the opinions andperspectives of drivers themselves. Moreover, it will present policies and guidelinesto control their associated mistakes.Drivers` mistakes included in this study were: speeding, sudden stopping, vehiclesparking issues, violation of traffic systems, behavioral issues that violate trafficregulations, and wrong passing were reported through direct field observations andquestionnaires distributed to drivers in order to report their opinions of the drivingmistakes they did. These mistakes were statistically investigated and categorized inorder to be prioritized into different types to facilitate the process of safety policymaking matter, overcome problems associated with these behavioral mistakes, andintroduce suggested solutions for their associated problems
Evaluation of Drivers` Behavioral Mistakes In Jordan. Available from: [accessed Dec 06 2022].
Publication Date
Fifth Traffic Safety Conference in Jordan, organized by Jordanian Traffic Institute, Public Security Directorate, Amman-Jordan