أختام الخبز لها تاريخ طويل يعود الى العصر الحجري الحديث، وقد استمر استخدامه خلال العصور في منطقة الشرق الأدنى القديم. وقد عثر على ختم خبز في خربة الطيرة في السوية الأثرية التي تؤرخ الى نهاية العصر البيزنطي وبداية الفترات الاسلامية
The stamping of bread dough before baking is an ancient practice, performed from the Neolithic period up until recent times. The stamped breads were imprinted with a wide range of symbols and used for different occasions and purposes. The clay bread stamp presented here was found at Khirbet et-Tireh, a site lying approximately 16 km northwest of Jerusalem. The design carved into the stamp face consists of a cross and other simple geometrics. This object, which we have dated to the Late Byzantine–Early Islamic period, is notable both for its workmanship and for surviving almost completely intact. Based on the monastic context of the find,
plus the stamp's relatively small size, it was probably used to
decorate small individual loaves, perhaps as sacramental bread.