عاش الشيخ شهاب الدين في صفّا/ محافظة رام الله/ فلسطين، ودفن فيها مع إبنيه الأثنين، وبني فوض اضرحتهم مقاما ما زال شاهدا حتى الآن؛ ولكن تعرضت قبورهم الثلاث في عام 2015 للنبش وبعثرة العظام
Sheikh Shihab ed-Din lived during the Ayyubid period (1187-1250 A.D.). When he died, followed by his two
sons, the three of them were buried close to each other at a site known by Saffa residents as ed-Deir and/or Shihab ed-Din. The sacred place of Sheikh Shihab ed-Din was a center of attention for many people of Saffa and the surrounding villages, in order to gain the blessing of the Sheikh and obtain the benefits of his supernatural power. Despite this distinctive respect given
to the personality of the Sheikh and his sacred place over the past centuries, in 2015 an as-yet unknown group
vandalized the shrine and completely disrupted and destroyed the graves of the Sheikh and his two sons.