تبلغ مساحة الكنيسة 28,8م x 25,5م، وتتكون من عدة عناصر انشائية، وكانت أرضياتها مرصوفة بالفسيفساء الملون
The unearthed part of the eastern church complex measures 28.8 m long along its east-west axis and a maximum of 25.5 m wide in its north-south dimension. It follows a basilical plan and consists of five main parts: four south side rooms, an atrium, a narthex, a main hall, and three northeast side rooms. The entire area of the church was
once paved with mosaic carpets consisting of geometric and figurative designs, with the richly colored tesserae encompassing various shades of white, black, grey, yellow, orange, pink, wine red,
green and blue. Furthermore, remains of two plaster layers were uncovered on the interior faces
of the majority of the walls of the church complex.