عنوان المقالة:الاستيلاء ومصادرة المواقع الأثرية باسم التنمية الحضرية: خربة نجمة الهودلي كحالة دراسية Appropriation and expropriation of Palestinian archeological sites in the name of urban development: Khirbet Najmat el-Houdali as a case study
صلاح حسين الهودلية | ٍSalah Hussein Al-Houdalieh | 10582
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
صلاح حسين الهودلية
English Authors
Salah Hussein Al-Houdalieh
The expropriation of Palestinian archaeological sites presents a complex issue that carries significant cultural, historical, economic, and political implications. This study investigates the methodical procedure involved in the confiscation of the Palestinian archaeological site known as Khirbet Najmat el-Houdali, located in Saffa village. The research explores the resulting impact on the loss of cultural heritage and the broader political consequences within the Israeli-Palestinian framework. Through an analysis of scholarly literature, reports, and site visits, this study sheds light on the systematic expropriation of Kh. Najmat el-Houdali and its subsequent effects on the inhabitants of Saffa. Furthermore, the study examines the utilization of a newly confiscated Palestinian archaeological site as a mechanism for asserting dominance over historical narratives. This examination specifically focuses on the destruction, modification, and exploitation of land and cultural heritage.
Publication Date
Al-Quds Journal for Academic Research - Humanities and Social Sciences
Volume No
Issue No
Palestinian cultural heritage, Saffa village, Khirbet Najmat el-Houdali, Palestinian-Israeli conflict