عنوان المقالة:تاثیر مواعید التمشیط بنوعین من معدات التنعیم في نسبة الحد من الادغال الحولیة وبعض صفات التربة الفیزیائیة EFFECT OF TWO PULVERIZATION SEASONS WITH TWO TYPES OF PULVERIZATION EQUIPMENT ON THE PERCENT OF ANNUAL WEED CONTROL AND SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL
الكثافة الظاھریة، ٥ /م ٢، ثارة، ع ر ض الاثارة ، مع امل
استغلال العرض الشغال ونسبة الانزلاق .
في صفتي عدد الكتل الترابیة/م ٢ ونسبة الانزلاق، وأشارت النتائج الى ان التداخل بین موعد التمشیط ومعدات
التي لم تتاثر معنویا.
This research was included the effect of two seasons. winter and spring with
two types of harrows. offset disk harrow and spring harrow on the percent of annual
weed control. soil moisture content. bulk density. number of soil aggregates greater
than 5cm/m2. cutting depth. cutting width. coefficient of cutting width. and the
percent of slippage. Results showed that the spring harrow showed higher
significance in the percent of annual weed control. cutting depth and coefficient of
cutting width while the offset disk harrow showed higher significance in the number
of soil aggregates/m2 and the percent of slippage. The effect of interaction between
seasons and pulverization equipment was significant in all studied characteristics
except the moisture content and bulk density.