Bari L. Mohammed, Nehan Bahaaldden Jafar, and Sanaa H. Mahammad
Various species of Candida secrete lipolytic enzymes such as phospholipases and esterases. These yeasts ʹ
esterase operations have earlier been illustrated in a few research using the opacity test Tween-80. Systematic candidiasis
is a severe infection in those who survive with a elevated mortality rate and morbidity. Candidate infections with
mucocutaneous disease rarely lead to systemic candidiasis. Despite the morbidity induced by systemic candidiasis, little is
known about the processes engaged in endothelial cells adhesion of C. albicans to or their subsequent transmigration. The
present study was conducted with an aim to determine esterase activities and adherence abilities of some candida species:
C. albicans, C. glabra, C. krusei and C. kefyr, isolated from oral cavities. The activity of esterase secretion between four
species of candida was determined by Tween 80 opacity test medium. Two isolates; Candida albicans and candida krusei
can hydrolyzed Tween 80 and the average of inhibition zone were (21.00-15.00 mm) respectively, otherwise candida
glabra and candida kefyr non hydrolyzed Tween 80 after 1 week of incubation. Whereas the result of adherence ability
had been recorded that all isolates of candida can adhere to Buccal Epithelial Cells (BECs) and conducted according to
microscopic methods. The number of adhered Candida krusei cells recorded the highest value ranged between (10.00-
43.00 cells) whereas, adherence of C. kefyr was showed the lowest value (20.00-22.00).