عنوان المقالة:دراسة التاثير التثبيطي لبعض المضافات الغذائية ضد البكتريا الممرضة Studying the inhibition effect of some food additives against pathogenic bacteria
نهان بهاءالدين جعفر | Nehan Bahaaldden Jafar | 14271
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
نهان بهاءالدين جعفر
English Authors
Muhsin Hamad Edham1*, Nehan Bahaaldden Jafar2 and Zainab Hussein Fadhil2
Latterly, natural products have been used as antibiotics and have proven effective against a large number of microorganisms. The present study included the measurement of antibacterial activities of pomegranate juice or molasses, tamarind molasses, garlic oil with thyme and with chili pepper on the five selected bacteria (2 Gr+ and 3 Gr-) by disk and agar well diffusion assays on the Muller Hinton Agar (MHA) and Blood Agar (BA). Pomegranate and tamarind molasses exhibited a broad spectrum of anti-bacterial activity inhibiting both the groups of bacteria. Pomegranate and tamarind molasses has shown highest antimicrobial activity compared to garlic oil with herbs. Inter- selected of bacterial cultures, the highest antibacterial effect of pomegranate and tamarind molasses by using disk diffusion was recorded against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20,18,20,12 mm) (20,20,20,17 mm) respectively while, when used agar well diffusion assay to tested antibacterial activities of pomegranate and tamarind molasses the result show rather increased inhibition zone of selected bacteria but, bacterial culture of Klepsiella pneumonia recorded resistance against food additives which can used in this study.
Publication Date
Ann Trop Med & Public Health
Volume No
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Food additives, Pomegranate molasses, Tamarind molasses, Garlic oil, Antibacterial activity.