YA Attia, AE Abd-El-Hamid, FA Abd El-Ghany, HI Habiba
The effect of dietary 0.3 and 6% distilled fatty acids (DFA) without or with 50 ppm
of Vit. E and/or 0.2 ppm of organic selenium (Selplex®) in Japanese quail (JQ) male all-mash
diets was tested during 21-49 d of age. The DFA was gradually replaced 50 and 100% of the 3%
sunflower oil in the control diet. Growth performance, digestibility of nutrients, meat quality
and plasma constituents and fatty acid profiles of liver and muscle were investigated.
Growth and FCR were improved (p<0.05) due to dietary inclusion of 3 and 6% DFA levels.
Digestibility of DM, CP, and CF was improved (p<0.05) due to Vit. E addition. Organic Se alone
or with Vit. E improved (p<0.05) digestibility of lipid. Liver lipid (%) was increased (p<0.05)
due to inclusion of 3% DFA. Meanwhile, liver (%) was decreased (p<0.05) due to inclusion of 3
and 6% DFA. Inclusion of 6% DFA increased (p<0.05) TBARS, while the opposite trend was
shown with 3% DFA or when Vit. E was supplemented to the 0 and 6%DFA diet. Moreover, Vit.
E with Se resulted in further decrease in TBARS and this was evident in 6% DFA containing
diet. Dietary inclusion of 6% DFA increased TUFA in muscle, while decreasing PUFA/MUFA
ratio. Addition of Vit. E to 3% DFA diet decreased muscle TUFA, while induced the opposite
trend in the 6% DFA diet. The increase in the TUFA due to Vit. E addition to 6% DFA diet was
concurred with increasing PUFA. There was a decrease in muscle SFA/TUFA ratio due to Se
addition to 0 and 3% DFA diets, while Vit. E plus Se resulted in a similar effect in 6% DFA diet.
In conclusion, 3% of DFA could be included in JQ male diets during 21-49 d of age without
adverse effects on growth performance, digestibility of nutrients, and meat quality, while
addition of Vit. E with Se could permit inclusion of 6% DFA without affecting meat quality,
while improved shelf life of meat