عنوان المقالة:Comparison of ultra-sound and maceration extraction methods of phenolics contents and antioxidant activities of Saharian medicinal plant Calligonum comosum L’her.
عبد الكريم ربيعي | Abdelkrim REBIAI | 10464
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
A. Chouikh, E.H. Adjal, M. Mekki, H. Hemmami, A. Feriani, A. Rebiai , A. Zaater, A. Chefrour
The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of some extraction methods (Ultra-sound: UM, Maceration: MM) and solvents (Ethanol: EOH, Methanol: MOH) of the Polyphenols, flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities from Calligonum comosum. The EOH extracts contained high levels of Polyphenols and flavonoids when compared to MOH extracts. The ethanolic maceration method (EOH MM extract) had the highest antioxidant capacity (596.83 mg GAE/g Dried Extract). Also the EOH UM extract showed higher capacity (511.22 mg GAE/g Dried Extract when compared to methanol extracts (275.41with MOH MM and 231.59mg GAE/g Dried Extract with MOH UM). The values of IC50 clearly indicated superiority of ethanol extracts (6.3 µg /ml for UM and 7.9µg/ml with MM) to methanol extracts (50µg/ml for UM and 100µg/ml with MM). Apparently the extracts UM showed good values compared to (MM) method it with two solvent.
Publication Date
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
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Calligonum comosum, Polyphenols, flavonoids, Antioxidants activities, Ultra-sound (UM), Mac