عنوان المقالة: E-duality results for E-differentiable vector optimization problems under (generalized) E-convexity
نجيب عباس احمد عبدالعليم | Najeeb Abdulaleem | 7209
Publication Type
Chapter in Book
Arabic Authors
نجيب عباس احمد عبدالعليم
English Authors
Najeeb Abdulaleem
In this paper, a class of E-differentiable multiobjective programming problems with both inequality and equality constraints is considered. The so-called vector mixed E-dual problem is defined for the considered E-differentiable multiobjective programming problem with both inequality and equality constraints. Then, several mixed E-duality theorems are established under (generalized) E-convexity hypotheses. Further, so-called vector Mond-Weir E-dual and vector Wolfe E-dual problems are also defined for the considered E-differentiable multiobjective programming problem as special cases of its vector mixed E-dual problem
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ISBN Number:987-605-68969-0-3
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تحميل (51 مرات التحميل)
E-differentiable function ; E-convex function; Mond-Weir E-duality; Wolfe E-duality; Mixed E-duality