عنوان المقالة:دور الإعلام الجديد في حماية الممتلكات الثقافية والتراث The role of new media in the protection of cultural properties and heritage
أ. د. محمود أحمد درويش | Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish | 10462
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
محمود أحمد درويش
English Authors
Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish
The study deals with the role of the media in the protection of cultural heritage and properties through three axes: first, the definition of cultural properties in a comprehensive definition covering heritage, culture, archeology and civilization, the second on the protection of cultural properties during periods of armed conflict. The research aims to highlight the serious repercussions and dangers that surround the cultural and cultural wealth of the Arab countries, including Iraq (for example), which took systematic forms in the destruction of historical monuments and religious sites. The dominance of Western media and the bias of Western agencies against Arab countries, and the control of news stories on Arab news. And the role of media awareness, which is the definition of the citizen on the importance of cultural properties and seize opportunities to raise interest in cultural heritage and notice responsibility. And the involvement of young people in taking responsibility for the protection of cultural heritage, the first basis for the formation of national identity, in the face of the impact of hostile satellite and the Internet and social networks, and other media dominant, a large part of which is a threat to national identity. The research follows the descriptive approach by extrapolating the definition of cultural properties, treaties and conventions to protect it in situations of armed conflict, monitoring the destruction of Iraqi cultural properties, and the analytical approach to determining the role of the new media in the protection of cultural properties.
Publication Date
International Journal of Research in Cultural inheritance and Social Sciences (IJCISS)
Volume No
Issue No
New media, heritage, cultural properties, armed conflict, historical monuments, cultural heritage.