د/ السيدة حمدي نصر ، د/ حنان الزبلاوى حسن ، د/ إيمان على شيحة
English Authors
Dr. Elsayda Hamdy Nasr, Dr. Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Dr. Eman Ali Abd El Moaty Sheha
Abstract:- Hypertension is a general wellbeing worry because of its extent, dangers, trouble in administration, high medicinal and social expenses and extreme cardiovascular and renal confusions. Hypertension is the most widely recognized restorative issue experienced in pregnancy and remains a critical reason for maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Aim of the study: determine the prevalence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy among pregnant women in relation to other medical disorders. In addition, consequences of hypertensive disorders among them. Methodology: An explorative study among 196 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy from 400 pregnancies associated with medical disorders in the high-risk obstetric departments, and the antenatal outpatient clinics at all governmental hospitals in Beni- Suef City. Results: The severe level of stress (53.6%) and depression (51.9%) was found in the age group of 25-30 years. Statistically significant correlation was found between depression and stress levels and women's level of education (p= 0.000, 0.002), respectively. Severe level of depression (61.0%) and stress (67.4%) were observed in women who were in their first trimester (P-Value 0.000). Conclusion: Statistically significant association between sociodemographic and obstetrical characteristics and level of stress and depression symptoms.