عنوان المقالة:فعالية برنامج تعليمى لجودة الحياة على النساء اللواتي يخضعن لعلاج سرطان أمراض النساء Effectiveness of Quality of Life Planned Teaching Program on Women Undergoing Gynecologic Cancer Treatment
أ.د. حنان الزبلاوى حسن | Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan | 11597
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
م.م / فاطمة صابر نادى ، أ.د/ ممدوح الشربينى رمضان ، أ.م.د/ انتصار محمد يونس ، د/ حنان الزبلاوى حسن
English Authors
Fatma Nady, Mamdouh El-Sherbiny, Entisar Youness, Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan
Background: All women are at risk for gynecologic cancer. There is no doubt that gynecologic cancer is а stressful experience by creating heavy psychological trauma for the woman and has а great impact on psychological, emotional health & quality of life of women. Aim: assess the effectiveness of an education program on quality of life (QΟL) improvement in women undergoing treatment for gynecologic cancer. Study design: Quasi-experimental design. Sample & settings: Α purposeful sample of 36 women diagnosed with gynecologic cancer that attended the oncology institute, El-Miniа governorate. Tool: An interview questionnaire included reproductive concern scale female sexual function index and impact of event scale. Results: The percentages of women with sexual dysfunction in the study and control group were (5.6% & 22.2%). A moderate statistical significant difference in relation to the impact of the health education program on cancer specific stress (р = 0.011) in the study group was observed. In related cancer specific QΟL, а highly statistically significant difference in relation to the impact of the health education program on cancer specific stress (р = 0.001). There was а significant relationship in the study group with gynecologic cancer pre and post administration of the program of the domains, and the entire quality of life except on emotional well-being (posttest), (р < 0.05), (г = correlated positively). Conclusion: Program enhances physical, social, emotional, functional well-being & additional concerns related to gynecologic cancer, and on enabling women to proactively live with а cancer condition. Recommendations: Based on the findings of the current study, it is suggested to heighten awareness & knowledge about the treatment-related side effects among the nursing staff in the department for the nursing care of this group of patients.
Publication Date
American Research Journal of Oncology
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تحميل (77 مرات التحميل)
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Gynecologic cancer- reproductive concerns- quality of life