عنوان المقالة:Factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing in SME: A systematic review Factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing in SME: A systematic review
جمال عبدالناصر القوسي | Gamal Abdulnaser Alkawsi | 4902
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
Mathematical Sciences and Computing Research (iSMSC), International Symposium on
The main purpose of this paper is to review the literatures on the adoption of Cloud Computing by SMEs in order to learn the current state of Cloud Computing studies and identify gaps for future research. Twenty-two articles were reviewed and analyzed from various journals and conference proceedings that were published on Cloud Computing adoption, acceptance, and diffusion. Findings revealed that there are growing numbers of studies in the adoption of Cloud Computing from different perspectives, yet there is a lack of theoretical and empirical studies in the field. Findings also indicated that there are only few articles evaluated the organizational perspective of Cloud Computing adoption in SMEs, while the majority of studies discussed operational and technical issues. Furthermore, this review observed various factors influencing the adoption of Cloud computing, which were addressed based on the four main criteria of the acceptance and diffusion of technological innovations, which are individual, organization, technology and environment.
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Cloud computing, Biological system modeling, Computational modeling, Technological innovation, Organ