عنوان المقالة:تأثير كتيب إرشادات التمارين على أنشطة الحياة اليومية و الأعراض المرضية للمرضى المصابين بمرض باركنسون مجهول السبب Effect of Exercises Guidelines Brochure on Daily Living Activities and Disease Symptoms for Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
غني عبد الناصر علي محمد | Ghona Abd El-nasser Ali | 12123
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
وغني عبد الناصر وعطيات جسن
English Authors
Ghona Abd El-Nasser Ali , Attyiat Hassan Hussein
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease with symptoms that affect many aspects of daily life. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of exercise guidelines brochure on daily living activities and disease symptoms for patients′ with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Research Design: Pre-posttest research design. Sample: Sixty adult patients from both sex their age range between (40-65) years. Setting: The study was conducted in neurology department and its outpatient clinic at Sohag University Hospital. Tools: Two tools were used: first tool interview questionnaire sheet, second tool Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Results: The present study revealed that there were statistically significant differences between pre and post application of exercises guidelines regarding activities of daily living, and disease symptoms. Conclusion: Exercises guidelines were effective in improving daily living activities and disease symptoms for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Recommendation: Exercise program for Parkinson’s disease patients should be available in the neurology department and outpatient clinic at Sohag University Hospital.
Publication Date
Saudi Journal of Nursing and Health Care
Volume No
Issue No
ISSN 2616-7921 (Print)
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تحميل (288 مرات التحميل)
Keywords: Parkinson's Disease, Daily Living Activities, Disease Symptoms, Nurse's Role