عنوان المقالة:معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية والإسقاط اللغوي لدى تلاميذ المدارس الإبتدايئة بالسودان English Teachers and the Lexical Attrition of the Sudanese Basic School Pupils
Nashid, Sawsan Abdel Aziz Mohammed and Elhassan, Gaafar Ali
تضم عملية التعلّم العديد من المتغيرات والتي اورد طه (1980) ثلاثة منها في معادلة: المواد، الاساتذة طريقة التدريس، التلاميذ وطريقة التعلم. تشمل كل من هذه المتغيرات عددًا من العوامل والتي تكون احدى اسباب الإسقاط اللغوي. تركّز الدرلسة الحالية على ظاهرة الإسقاط اللغوي لدى تلاميذ المدارس الإبتدايئة بالسودان، الألفاظ، لماذا يصعب على الفرد الوصول الى المعلومات اللغوية.
There are different variables involved in the teaching and learning process. Taha (1980) had already
referred to three important elements in the equation: materials, teachers and teaching style, students
and learning style. Each one of these variables and many other factors may be a cause of language
attrition. The present paper investigates the phenomenon of language attrition among the basic school
pupils; particularly, lexical or vocabulary attrition, i.e. why the linguistic information becomes
inaccessible to the individual. There are many factors of language attrition. The present paper
approaches this issue from teacher's perspective. Could we argue that the teachers' lack of the three
fundamental requirements for effective teaching: a reasonable level of competence in English and
training in and understanding of various methods of teaching, the four language skills in the
classroom and the ability to adapt methods and materials to their own classroom environment may be
one of the reasons of lexical attrition among the basic school pupils in the Sudan; Omderman? To
achieve its objectives, two tools of data collection were used: evaluation checklist and observation. It
is found that the teachers by their behavior inside the classroom contributed in the occurrence of the
phenomenon of lexical attrition among the Sudanese basic school pupils.
Publication Date
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research