FIuid catalytic cracking (FCC) is the major method of producing gasoline and middle distillates in the petroleum industry. However, the process undergoing many changes due to rapidly changing feedstock, product requirements. And environmental regulations.
Federal and local authorities are enacting legislation that requires refiners to limit the emissions from FCC units. The pollutants are the oxides of sulfur, and nitrogen. Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, SOx and NOx, are two major pollutants resulting from fossil fuel combustion. Coal - fíred utility boilers account for about 65% ofthe SOx and 29% of the NOx emission in the united states, and petroleum refining operations in the united states are estimated to emit 6-7 % of the total SOx emission in the united states with as much as 5% coming from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) operations. in areas where refineries are highly concentrated, as 12% of the SOx emission are attributed to petroleum refining with bulk coming from FCC units. Thus the SOx emission from the units are receiving ever-increasing scrutiny from regulatory agencies as part of solving smog and rain problems [1,2]. Both SOx and NOx are generally believed to be major precursors of acid rain and pose a grave concern for the protection of global environment. in particuiar. both air and water quality world wide. Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) and hydrodesulfurization (HDS) are proven to be cosily. Of the existing commercial SOx control options, the regenerable SOx transfer catalyst becomes a more practical option in term of cost and technology. However, designing an effective catalyst, which is capable of reducing both SOx and NOx to meet many requirements associated with the FCC operation, is a challenging problem
Publication Date
the 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2009)Chania, Crete, Greece