عنوان المقالة:دراسة تصنيفية للأنواع النباتية في وادي عوج (اللصب) م/ حضرموت الساحل – اليمن Taxonomical Study of Plant Species in Wadi Awaj (Al-Lasab) at Coastal Region of Hadramout – Yemen
محروس عبدالله محمد باحويرث | Mahroos Abdallah Mohammad bahwerith | 7625
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
1 محروس عبدالله باحويرث 2 محمد سعيد بن قديم 2 مراد محمد كانجي 1 ذكرى عبدالله مقرم 3 حسن بيار علي
English Authors
1Mahroos Abdulla Ba-Hawerith 2Mohammed Saeed Bin Qadim 2Murad Mohammed Kanji 1Dhekra Abdulla Maqram 3Hassan Pyar Ali
This study was carried out to identify the plant species of Wadi Awaj (Al-Lasab) in Hadhramout governorate. The results of the field survey identified a total of 47 plant species 26 families and 43 genera including 39 wild plant species grown naturally. The total number of cultivated plants was 6 plant species, only two plant species are grown as both wild and cultivated species. The dicots were 43 species while monocots were represented as 4 species.The most dominant families were: Fabaceae(8 species and 5 genera), Apocynaceae (5 species and 5 genera), Euphorbiaceae, Poaceae and Zygophyllaceae (3 species and 3 genera for each), Asteraceae, Capparaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Rhamnaceae (2 species and 2 genera for each. The most dominant genera were Acacia which recorded: (3 species), followed by Tephrosia and Ziziphus (2،species for each). All plant species were showed as an ecological form of shrubs, herbs and trees.
Publication Date
مجلة جامعة حضرموت للعلوم الطبيعية والتطبيقية جامعة حضرموت
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تحميل (1 مرات التحميل)
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Keywords: Family, genus, plant species, dominance فصيلة، جنس، نوع نباتي،