عنوان المقالة:تأثير علاج البنزوديازيبين (زاناكس) على قشرة المخيخ في ذكور الفئران: دراسات الأنسجة المرضية والبنية التحتية للخلايا Effects of Benzodiazepine Treatment (Xanax) on Cerebellar Cortex of Male Mice: Histopathological and Ultrastructure Studies .
د. عيدة مفتاح عبدالكريم الشيلابي | Dr. Eda M. A. Alshailabi | 5209
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Arabic Authors
سماح عبدالسلام خليفة و عيدة مفتاح عبدالكريم الشيلابي
English Authors
Samah A. Khalifa and Eda M.A. Alshailabi
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The present study aims to illustrate the effects of Xanax on the histology and ultrastructure of the cerebellum tissue on male mice. Thirty male mice were randomly assigned into two groups (15 mice/each) according to their approximately equal mean body weight. Mice that received orally 0.5 ml saline solution of 0.9 % NaCl by gavage were considered as control mice. Other experimental mice were daily administered 0.5 ml of Xanax at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg b. w. orally by gavage for 8 weeks. Light microscopic examination of the cerebellar tissues of Xanax treated mice revealed histopathological alterations and showed wide spread neuronal affection specifically of the Purkinje cell layer which was reflected on the other two layers. A prominent hemorrhage in the vicinity of the Purkinje and the granular cell layers was also noticed. More conspicuous pathological changes were observed in the Purkinje cells, where they revealed disturbed normal linear organization with marked disarrangement. Prominent ultrastructural alterations of the Purkinje cells were obvious, where most of them appeared deformed and shrunken losing their characteristic pyriform shape, The Bergmann astrocytes revealed as swollen cells with pale nuclei and clear cytoplasm contained increased number of organelles specially mitochondria, filaments and autophagosomes. Ultrastructure of cerebellar tissues of Xanax treated mice confirmed the light microscopic observations. In conclusion, mice administered of 1.5 ml of Xanax revealed different symptoms of toxicity in cerebellar tissues.
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Histopathological, Cerebellar Cortex, Xanax, Ultrastructure, Mice.