عنوان المقالة:ضغط الأرجل الوقائي لتقليل انخفاض ضغط الدم وحامضية دم الطفل الناتج عن التخدير النصفى في العمليات القيصرية Prophylactic Legs Compression for Reducing Hypotension and Fetal Acidosis as Subsequent for Spinal Anesthesia in Cesarean Delivery
أ.د. حنان الزبلاوى حسن | Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan | 11597
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
أ.م.د/إنعام عبد العاطى د/نور الهدى الشابورى د/ حنان الزبلاوى حسن د/ناهد زهرة د/هيام العريفى2320-1940 (print); 2320-1959 (Online)
English Authors
(1)Inaam Abd Elati, (2)Nor Elhoda Elshabory, (3) Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, (4) Samia gaballah, & (5)Hanaa Mohamed Nassar
Background: Spinal block gives admirable and excellent anesthesia for cesarean delivery, but it is frequently accompanied by hypotension, which if untreated can pose serious risks to mother and baby. Strategies directed to increasing venous return, such as lifting or mechanically compressing the lower extremities, and aggressive intravascular volume loading are very effective in the treatment of arterial hypotension. This study aims to examine leg compression for decreasing maternal hypotension and fetal acidosis subsequent spinal anesthesia in cesarean delivery. A Quasi-experimental design used. Setting: The research was accomplished at cesarean delivery operating unit, Al-Azhar University Hospital throughout the period from January 2017 to June2017. Sample: A total of 250 full-terms parturients with an uncomplicated pregnancy undergone planned cesarean delivery using spinal anesthesia be recruited in both leg compression group (group A) and control group (group B). A or B were randomly allocated (125 in each one group) to have their compression of leg with socks. Protocol of pre-hydration and anesthetic technique standardized was followed. Tools: Three tools were used for collecting the necessary data, structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, maternal record, and neonatal assessment sheet. Results: Hypotension was significantly less (P = 0.001) in Group A (leg compression group) patients when compared with Group B (non–leg compression) a highly statistical significant difference (P
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IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science
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Keywords: Cesarean Delivery, Leg Compression, Hypotension, Spinal Hypotension, Nursing.