عنوان المقالة:أثر برنامج تعليمي على الضائقة الجنسية المصاحبة لسرطان عنق الرحم Impact of an Educational Program on Sexual Distress Associated with Cervical Cancer
د/ سعاد عبد السلام ، د/ حنان الزبلاوى حسن ، د/ رجاء على ، د/ هاجر كمال
English Authors
Ragaa Ali1, Hagar kamal2, Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan3 , Soad Abd El Salam4
Background: Sexual distress is an extrinsic word that comprises sexually disrupted sexual distress and dysfunction, orgasm reduction, dyspareunia, vaginal disease. Sexual anguish can actually cause persons tension and anxiety. Aim: The impact of an educational programme on cervical cancer women's sexual suffering is studied. Methods: A quasi-experimental design. Setting: Beni-Suef University Hospital out-patient clinic in an oncology unit. Subjects: A deliberate 70 female sample. Tools: structured questionnaire questioning and women's sexual distress. Results: The findings of the study showed that all measures of female sexual anguish have regressed compared to pre-1 after the programme. Conclusion: The teaching programme for women with cervical cancer was highly successful for the regression of all sexual distress. Recommendations: Women's advice on cervical cancer, sexuality and sexual distress should be popular and facilities and decision-making aid for those who need it should be provided.