عنوان المقالة:تأثير بروتوكول التدخل التمريضي على العجز الجنسي بين النساء المصابات بسرطان عنق الرحم Impact of Protocol of Nursing Intervention on Sexual Dysfunction among Women with Cervical Cancer
أ.د. حنان الزبلاوى حسن | Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan | 10079
Publication Type
Arabic Authors
د/ هاجر كمال ، د/ سعاد عبد السلام ، د/ حنان الزبلاوى حسن ، د/ رجاء على
English Authors
Hagar kamal masaud1, Ragaa Ali Mohammed Abd Rabo2, Soad Abd El Salam Ramadan3 and Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan4
Background: Cervical cancer affects all aspects of a patient’s life, including sexual functioning and intimacy. Sexuality is one of the indicators of quality of life; it influences thoughts, feelings, actions, social integration, and therefore, physical and mental health. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of protocol of nursing intervention on sexual dysfunction among women with cervical cancer. An intervention study design was conducted in out-patient clinic in the oncology unit at Beni-suef university Hospital. A purposive sample of 70 women was included in the study. A quasi-experimental (pre- post) study design was used. Data was collected through four types of tools structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, female sexual function index, female sexual distress scale and body image scale. In addition to Supportive material (educational booklet) was given to women. Results: There were high statistical significant differences in the women's total score of knowledge about cervical cancer, total scores of female sexual function index, female sexual distress scale and body image scale at post intervention in which the women had higher score at post intervention p (< 0.001). Conclusion: Educational booklet proved to have a positive effect on knowledge and sexual function of women with cervical cancer. Recommendations: Multidisciplinary collaboration approach for addressing sexual problems related to cervical cancer, preparing health classes for cervical cancer women regarding sexual dysfunction with cervical cancer and further research about nurse's perception and practices regarding sexual dysfunction with cervical cancer.
Publication Date
Journal of Nursing Science Benha University
Volume No
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Key words: Cervical cancer, sexual dysfunction, Protocol of nursing intervention.