عنوان المقالة: Identification of the Local Changes in Age-Structured Population Dynamics with Missing Initial Condition
عبدالحق حفظ الله | Abdelhak Hafdallah | 6245
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Arabic Authors
English Authors
F. Achab;A. Hafdallah;I. Rezzoug;
In this paper, we study an inverse problem consisting of determining the unknown local changes of a population densities independent of the missing initial population age distribution from the knowledge of some measurement in the state. The main idea is to transform a study of the inverse problem into an optimal control problem with incomplete data. The proposed method to solve this kind of problem is the no-regret control approximated by a sequence of low-regret control, we show the existence and uniqueness of the sequence of low-regret control, which converges weakly to the unique no-regret control. The local changes will be characterized by a coupled optimality system.
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Russian Mathematics
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identification problem age-structured population incomplete data no-regret control coupled optimality system