عنوان المقالة:دراسة تجربية على استخدام الرماد المتطاير كبديل جزئي للاسمنت في الخرسانة EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON USE OF FLY ASH AS A PARTIAL CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE
Fly ash is a by-product from the coal industry, which is widely available in the world.
the use of fly ash in concrete as partial replacement of cement is gaining immense
importance today. mainly on account of the improvement in the long-term durability
of concrete combined with environmental benefits. The replacement of fly ash as a
cementations component in concrete depends upon the design strength, water demand
and relative cost of ash compared to cement. This paper reports the results of an
experimental investigation carried out to study the effects of fly ash on strength
development of concrete and the optimum use of fly ash in concrete. The concrete
grade of M15 has been selected and designed as per IS 456-2000 Standard
method.Cement was replaced by 10%, 20% and 30% of class F fly ash by the weight.
After each mix preparation, nine cubes specimens are cast and cured. Necessary tests
were carried out in fresh and hardened concrete. Workability was found from slump
test. Tests for compressive strength were carried out on specimens at age 7,14 and 28
days.The test results were compared with the results of specimen prepared after
control mix. Test results shows that, inclusion of fly ash generally improves the
compressive strength up to certain percent of replacement.
تاريخ النشر
مجلة العلوم والدراسات اإلنسانية – المرج جامعة بنغازي / ليبيا