• تفاصيل التسجيل
  • تاريخ التسجيل: 4 سنة

  • المهارات
  • التصوير الفوتوغرافي تحليل الأعمال تحقيق كتاب إنتاج الفيديو

  • الجامعة / المؤسسة
  • Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn

من نفس الجامعة : 1

الموقع الشخصي

  • احصائيات الانشطة
  • معامل التواصل العلمي:1.06
  • نقاط النشاط التواصلي:1.45
  • عدد الزيارات:4478
  • عدد الاعجابات :0
  • المواضيع:6
  • المتابعون:2
  • المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0


نبذة مختصرة

I graduated from the University of Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany with a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2008. I have Postdoctoral research experience from Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. I have Excellence Award (President Award) for the top Iraqi Universities Graduates in Mathematics in the whole of IRAQ, September (2001). Over past fourteen years of experience working in teaching Pure and Applied Mathematics courses combined with experience in Statistics, Machine Learning, Numerical Analysis have prepared me well for an academic and teaching career. In 2003, I got the first opportunity to teach at the University of Baghdad, Department of Computer Science, the subject of teaching was Probability and Statistics (Statistical Learning). Department of the Mathematics University of Al-Nahrain, subjects of teaching were Topics in Geometry, Calculus, and Topology. Department of Mathematics, College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad, subjects of teaching were Topology, Number Theory and Algebraic Topology (Master Course). I was responsible for teaching six 2-hour lectures per week, creating assignments and exams, and supervising research projects for the final Thirds and fourth-year students. I registered as a Volunteer lecturer in IMU program to teach mathematics in developing countries. I have worked as a programmer and Data Analyst (Mathematically and Statistically) at Inasys Gesellschaft für Informations- und Analyse-Systeme mbH, Sankt Agustin. Also, I worked as a Senior Analyst and Risk Management in Automatic Underwriting Analysis (AUA), Group Buyer Underwriting at Atradius Kreditversicherung Cologne Germany. these have enabled me to acquire very good experience in applied Machine Learning and Statistical learning. I got my Ph.D. study under IMPRS Fellowship of Max Planck-Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik (MPIM) in Bonn 2008. My thesis titled „Covering, Correspondence and Non-Commutative Geometry”. It is focused on constructing a statistical mechanical system of 3-manifolds as branched coverings of the 3-sphere, branched along embedded graphs (or in particular knots) in the 3-sphere and where morphisms are formal linear combinations of 3-manifolds. An equivalence relation between correspondences given by 4-dimensional cobordisms is introduced to conveniently reduce the size of the spaces of morphisms. Also, We associated to the set of correspondences with composition a convolution algebra and we described natural time evolutions induced by the multiplicity of the covering maps and we considered a time evolution on this algebra, which is compatible with the vertical composition of 2-morphism given by gluing of cobordisms, that corresponds to the Euclidean version of Hartle-Hawking gravity. During my Master's study, I worked on a Fluid Flow Model. A problem of studying a flow of Non-Newtonian fluid in a curved duct with varies Aspect Ratio. I solved the problem numerically in different ways (finite difference, finite Volume, and Calculus of variation). I developed programs by MATLAB and MAPLE to get better results. That is why I believe that I can help in teaching a wide range of theoretical and applied Mathematics courses, propose new courses, as well as guide students throughout their projects. Recently, I got the membership in CIMPA Centre International de Mathmatiques Pures et Appliques, Reviewer in Mathematical Reviews in (AMS) and Reviewer in Mathematical Reviews in Zenttralblatt MATH (zbMATH).

المؤهلات الاكاديمية


01/10/2006 - 22/12/2008


01/10/2001 - 01/08/2004

النشاطات الأكاديمية

حسبان التنسر

تأليف كتاب


تقديم دورة تدريبية

تدريسي متطوع

المشاركة في عمل تطوعي

التغطية والاقتران والهندسة غير التبادلية

نشر بحث في مجلة

تدفق السوائل غير النيوتونية في قناة منحنية مع نسبة أبعاد مختلفة

نشر بحث في مجلة


    بإمكانك إضافة المزيد من المواضيع أضف موضوع