• تفاصيل التسجيل
  • تاريخ التسجيل: 4 سنة
  • الأسماء:مدير المركز العام: أد/ مصطفى حمدان احمد مجرم (مصطفى محرم)

  • المهارات

  • الجامعة / المؤسسة
  • جامعة سوهاج

من نفس الجامعة : 101
عرض الجميع

الموقع الشخصي

  • احصائيات الانشطة
  • معامل التواصل العلمي:1.21
  • نقاط النشاط التواصلي:3.35
  • عدد الزيارات:4120
  • عدد الاعجابات :1
  • المواضيع:0
  • المتابعون:3
  • المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0


نبذة مختصرة

ttps://sites.google.com/site/drmoustafamoharam/home Manager of Egy-European Center for Research Services for Editing and Proofreading Services https://sites.google.com/view/egy-european-center/home I graduated in 1993 with honors in a Bachelor of Science from the Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Egypt, majoring in Plant Pathology. I also graduated in 2001 a M.Sc., in Plant Pathology (Studies on root rot disease of peanut). I then graduated in 2010 my Ph.D. program in Plant pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Egypt with Professor Ahmed Amin Abd El-Fatah cooperation with Dr. Eckhard Koch (Institute for Biological control, JKI, Darmstadt, Germany) in Channel system program scholarship from 2006-2008). I studied the fungal plant pathogen Sporisorium sorghi, the causal agent of covered kernel smut disease in Sorghum. I performed detailed studies of environmental factors affecting teliospore germination and mycelial dry weight, and determined the longevity for teliospore in vitro and in the field, screened of available sorghum cultivars for resistance and detect of the causal organism in plant by light microscopy, ELISA and PCR. The phylogenetic analysis of GAPDH gene of S. sorghi and others published related fungal genera and species was studied. I studied the biological control of smut by isolated microorganisms and commercial products of plant extracts and strengthening were also evaluated. I studied the fungal plant pathogen Sporisorium sorghi, the causal agent of covered kernel smut disease in Sorghum. I performed detailed studies of environmental factors affecting teliospore germination and mycelial dry weight, and determined the longevity for teliospore in vitro and in the field, screened of available sorghum cultivars for resistance and detect of the causal organism in plant by light microscopy, ELISA and PCR. The phylogenetic analysis of GAPDH gene of S. sorghi and others published related fungal genera and species was studied. I studied the biological control of smut by isolated microorganisms and commercial products of plant extracts and strengthening were also evaluated. I am Associate Professor and lecturer in the field of Plant Pathology, that is the integration of a range of control measures (cultural, physical, biological, chemical) for the management of pathogens in cropping and conservation areas. My research is specifically in the field of Plant Pathology, that is, the study of plant disease processes, the organisms that cause them and the development of strategies for their management. Currently I am going and developing in a project utilizing molecular techniques to improve the understanding of plant pathogenic processes. Currently, I'm teaching Plant Pathology courses in plant Pathology Dept. Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Egypt.

النشر العلمي

نوع النشر:مجلة علمية
الناشر:Australasian Plant Pathology
* مصطفى حمدان احمد محرم و ياسين محمد ياسين سليمان

نوع النشر:مجلة علمية
الناشر:Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
مصطفى حمدان احمد محرم ،استيقان ديتريش و ايكارد كوخ

النشاطات الأكاديمية

المركز المصرى الاوروبى لحدمات الأبحاث والنشر

حقوق النشر

المدونات العلمية


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