Hydropower plant operation and load management have become very complex task in recent years. This is due to the
increased load demand and the need to preserve the integrity of the plant structure from abnormal operational regimes impacts.
Haditha power plant in Iraq is considered in this study. The aim is to investigate the influence of operating the plant units at different
loads on the vibration levels generated in the unit structure. Vibration trends of two Kaplan turbine units within Haditha plant are
collected and analyzed at upstream water level of 145.91m. In the first part, displacement signals for units four and six are collected
at multiple load points at the turbine lower guide bearings. The peak to peak data of the displacement indicated that an increased
level of vibration occurs between the loads 20 and 50 MW. In the second part of this study, rms data of the velocity signals are
collected and analyzed for quality judgment. The trend of rms indicted that between 20 MW and 50 MW of unit’s load, the unit
exhibit vibration levels that is above the accepted levels according to the ISO 10816. Based on the above findings, the plant
operation modified and was allowed to operate only for loads below 20 MW and loads equal to or larger than 50 MW.