عمار أمينعمر

Project: Predict Adult Income [Predictive Exp.]

عمار أمين عمر | Amar Aminu Umar

21/06/2021 القراءات: 3400   الملف المرفق

Train and evaluate a boosted decision tree model on Azure ML Studio through pre-process data by Creating scoring, Evaluating and predictive experiments.
The Project uses Adult census data-set to train a model to predict an individual's income. It predict whether an individual's annual income is greater than or less than $50,000. It uses a two class boosted decision tree classifier estimator. Some of the features used to train the model include, age ,education, occupation, race, sex, income etc. The model was scored and evaluated based on the test data, and was further deployed and trained as an Azure machine learning web service. A new data was sent to the web service API and the resulting predictions was received with a significant accuracy and precision.

ML Score Model Hyper Parameter Smote Decision Tree Split Data Binary Classification Web S

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