scattering organization
In it, the drawn elements appear to be rather few. The child scattered them here and
there throughout the drawing paper without interacting with each other. Interaction
means the connection of two or more elements drawn in a relationship that is
significant or expressive of a specific event or action that is related to the subject of
the drawing so that this event can be visually inferred.
The scattering level in the organization is a primitive level, which reveals a specific
ability of the child to control the available space, in addition to a small sum of visual
formal vocabulary, which may characterize the formations of children in the
preschool age. As for the old ages, the continuity of the organization of the scattering
in the drawings of some children may reveal the modesty of their mental, cognitive
and creative abilities, or the disintegration and cracking in their family and social
relations. The results of the study revealed that the drawings of boys and girls (9-12
years) who are deprived of their families The naturalists and residents of one of the
residential institutions are dominated by scattered organization and disintegration of
the drawn elements, as they do not express or suggest the subject, unlike the drawings
of their ordinary peers of the same chronological age whose drawings were
characterized by the categorical organization and the interdependence of the elements
and the expression of the topics given to the sample members
Semi-classical organization:
This organization is not pure filling, nor is it pure styling, but rather a mixture of the
two together, and the child may start with attempts to arrange units and elements, and
then take off from that to fill the rest of the spaces surrounding the elements that he
drew first with other groups of elements at different levels with which the suggestion
increases in the drawing depth (the third dimension). The semi-dysmorphic
organization is characterized by the diversity in the elements and units drawn to a
greater degree than in the typographical organization, which may be determined by
certain units imposed by subjects of a special nature as previously mentioned .