سجل في أريد


  • تفاصيل التسجيل
  • تاريخ التسجيل: 8 سنة
  • الأسماء:

  • المهارات

  • الجامعة / المؤسسة
  • جامعة المدينة العالمية

من نفس الجامعة : 77
عرض الجميع

الموقع الشخصي

  • احصائيات الانشطة
  • معامل التواصل العلمي:1.01
  • نقاط النشاط التواصلي:0.30
  • عدد الزيارات:1255
  • عدد الاعجابات :0
  • المواضيع:0
  • المتابعون:3
  • المسجلون عبر هذا الحساب :0


نبذة مختصرة

E-government initiative in Jordan is a national program introduced by His Majesty King Abdullah II in 2000 and the launching of the e-government portal had taken place in the last quarter of 2006. The aim is to improve-government service delivery, improve service efficiency, accuracy, also reduce both the time and cost required to complete a transaction. Specifically, according to al-shaka’a (2011), The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MOICT) in Jordan has developed an e-government portal where it includes almost 49 services such as issuing vocational license, issuing non-criminal record certificate, digitizing national library, income and sales tax. However, the Jordan government is still working on obtaining the rights to the portal. According to these authors (Bélanger, &Carter, 2008; and Colesca, 2009; Dai et al., 2014 ), when the user has come to believe that the transaction and his personal data are safe, it will demonstrate higher tendency to experience a


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