عنوان المقالة:srCE: a collaborative editing of scalable semantic stores on P2P networks
حافظ زرزور | Hafed Zarzour | 1154
نوع النشر
مجلة علمية
المؤلفون بالعربي
Hafed Zarzour, Mokhtar Sellami
الملخص العربي
Commutative Replicated Data Type (CRDT) is a convergence philosophy invented as a new generation of technique that ensures consistency maintenance of replica in collaborative editors without any difficulty over Peer–to–Peer (P2P) networks. This technique has been successfully applied to different data representation types in scalable collaborative editing for linear, tree document structure and semi–structured data types but not yet on set data type ensuring Causality, Consistency and Intention (CCI) preservation criteria. In this paper, we propose a srCE approach, a novel CRDT for a set structure to facilitate the collaborative and concurrent editing of Resource Description Framework (RDF) stores in large scale by different members of virtual community. Our approach ensures CCI model and is not tied to a specific case and therefore can be applied for any document that complies to set structure. A prototype implementation using Friend of a Friend (FOAF) data sets with and without the srCE model illustrates significant improvement in scalability and performance.
تاريخ النشر
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
رابط DOI
رابط الملف
تحميل (70 مرات التحميل)
رابط خارجي
الكلمات المفتاحية
collaborative editing, commutative replicated data type, CRDT, causality, consistency, intention, CC