ترتبط الإنجازات الفنية بمرور الوقت بالإنسان وما له من الاحتياجات الاساسية ، وتعدالحرية والمطالبة بالحقوق هي من بين الأكثر
احتياجات بشرية مهمة. وما حدث في ساحة التحرير بمركز
العاصمة العراقية بغداد صرخة حرية وتعبير ورسومات الشباب
تحاكي الأحداث. على الصعيد السياسي والاجتماعي
Artistic achievements over time have links to the human being and his
basic needs. Freedom and demanding rights are among the most
important human needs. What happened in Tahrir Square in the centre
of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, was a cry of freedom and an expression
of my opinion with drawings simulating events. On political and social
life, close to the Monument of Freedom, youthful cartoons were
embodied in a peaceful manner that raises controversy through artistic
expressions in contemporary formulations that challenge reality. As a
result of repression and fear of losing documenting these drawings, the
study attempted to document this special period in the life of Iraq,
which demonstrated the culture of this generation and their awareness
of their rights and duties towards the homeland. It is evident in the
graffiti there is a cultural and artistic awareness and a clear interest in
the cultural heritage. Through analysing the models, there is a focus
on basic concepts indicating the maturity of the demonstrators and
their awareness by emphasizing the martyr through the icon of the
revolution (Safaa al-Saray) and the white shirt to denote peace and the
student majority for the revolution.The emergence of marginalized or
poor strata of society in the common struggle.
Publication Date
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change