عنوان المقالة:Investigation of some parameters of immobilized inulinase of Kluyveromyces marxianus as a promising catalyst for the hydrolysis reaction of inulin(In Russian)
Inulinase (2,1-PD-fructan-fruktanogidrolaza, KF3.2.1.7) - an enzyme widely distributed in higher plants and microorganisms. In biotechnology, it can be used to produce fructose from plant material, as the splits inulin and other fructose-containing polymers. Fructose syrups are widely used in the confectionery industry, as well as for the prevention of diabetes, tooth decay and obesity.• At present, industrial production of fructose by enzymatic consists of several stages andrequires three different enzymes: a-amylase, glucoamylase and glucose isomerase. At the same starch receive 45% fructose syrup The purpose of this paper is immobilized inulinase K. marxianus on different media by adsorption and the study of the physicochemical properties of the immobilized enzyme preparations and kinetic characteristics hydrolysis of inulin.