مدونة أسيل كاظم الركابي

A Study Of Inam Kachachi's NOVEL Tashari As Diáspora Literature

د. اسيل الركابي | Aseel Alrikabi

01/04/2019 القراءات: 479   الملف المرفق

The present research deals with the phenomena of diaspora and the aftermath of the US occupation of Iraq in 2003.
Inam Kachachi's novel, Tashari (2013), is about a Christian Iraqi woman, a doctor and a mother who relates the story of an Iraqi dispersed family seeking a homeland that is sliding from the hands of its citizens looking for another place to belong to. The novel previews the late circumstances, after 2003, that makes the Iraqi Muslim-Christian community split on itself.
The aim of the study is to demonstrate how the status of Iraq was in the past and how it becomes after 2003 shedding light on the internal/external policies that led to the dispersion of the Iraqi people and to the loss of national Iraqi heritage.
The study ends with a conclusion that sums up the main findings of the study.

Diaspora Literature Tashari Inam Kaachachi.

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